Unlocking Wealth & Fertility

The 18 Mukhi Power Rudraksha

According to India’s ancient spiritual texts, the 18-Mukhi Rudraksha attracts tremendous wealth and increases one’s powers of creativity. Known to help increase one’s fertility, in both body and mind. This rare, sacred rudraksha is cherished by those longing to express and manifest something from within in any sphere of life, whether worldly or divine.

Since ancient times*, India's supreme spiritual masters predicted 18-Mukhi rudrakshas would come to protect and enhance their students’ research into Consciousness and ‘ground’ them in their daily lives. Its healing powers—and the miraculous wisdom that come as a result—are fundamental ingredients for one’s spiritual progress and worldly success.

Worn directly against the skin, the 18-Mukhi Power Rudraksha opens your awareness to deeper spiritual experiences so that, in time, one’s consciousness becomes a channel of divine consciousness. When used with mantra meditation, following the proper guidelines, this sacred power bead can transform every aspect of your life.

Highly recommended for expectant mothers, mothers with children and anyone whose profession includes service to others, as well as anyone working in earth-related professions, i.e., miners, builders, jewelers, farmers, etc.

Benefits of the 18-Mukhi Rudraksha

  • Attracts great wealth & abundance
  • Helps with physical and mental infertility
  • Unbinds the karmic knots that cause failures in relationships & prevents progeny
  • Enhances the clarity and depth of your experiences in meditation
  • Blesses the wearer with greater creativity and wisdom

From the Ancient Vedic Texts

A Rudrākṣa with eighteen faces is graced with the power of Mata Bhumi (Mother Earth), the source of all abundance, the wealth-giver, whose fruits nurture every mind-body and gives sustenance to every heart and soul that exists within Her embrace. Through Her grace, progeny are born, creativity in all forms thrive and one’s desires are fulfilled.

- Devi Mahatmyam

Directly Accessing Its Spiritual Power

To personalize the spiritual activation process and directly connect your soul to your 18-Mukhi Power Rudraksha, use the following sacred formula/mantra, as prescribed in the ancient texts:

Om Hrīṃ Shrīṃ Vasudhaye Suvaha

  • Hrīṃ [pronounced H-reem]
  • Shrīṃ [pronounced Sh-reem]
  • Vasudhaye [pronounced Vasu-dai-ye]
  • Suvaha [pronounced Su-vaha]

With eyes closed, sit comfortably—facing East or Northeast—in a quiet place without distractions. Hold your Rudraksha in both hands, right hand on top, and mentally repeat the mantra above 108 times before wearing it.

Best Day(s) to start wearing the 12-Mukhi:

Sunday, or on a Full Moon, or with participation in a Vedic fire ceremony

Ruling Planet:

Mata Bhumi (Earth)


Bhairavi Devi (goddess of divine wisdom)


Muladhara (Root)

Bead Characteristics

Eighteen distinct ‘faces’(lines) run down the outer convoluted surface of the 18-Mukhi Rudraksha. The bead’s color is consistent throughout.

When to Wear Your 18 -
Mukhi Rudraksha

  • If in a committed relationship, or wish to be
  • If you want to conceive a child
  • Whenever personal insight & creativity are called for
  • During sadhana (spiritual practices, like meditation)
  • Wish to attract greater support, including attracting a soul-mate
  • Seek to know and live your truest, highest purpose

Auspicious Adornment & Storage

When not wearing your Power Rudraksha, place it on your home altar, in plain sight, or wrap it in silk and place it under your bed pillow. Do not bathe or shower with it on, or get it wet.

The 18-Mukhi Power Rudraksha helps to neutralize the negative effects of present and past-life karmas that may be revealed in your astrological chart. It’s highly recommended that each time you put on your 18-Mukhi Power Rudraksha, you face East.

*True Origins of Power

It’s commonly thought, and promoted, that Rudraksha sourced from different geographic locations are more…or less…‘authentic’ and, therefore, more…or less…sacred. This is a modern misunderstanding, based primarily on outward/physical appearances, materialistic (and commercial) considerations and philosophical generalizations. The truer, deeper spiritual considerations are these: as with every physical form/object in Nature, no matter its physical origin, the majority of an object’s inherent Shakti (divine power) remains naturally dormant until it is fully, spiritually activated. This activation process is—and always has been—the purview of authentic spiritual masters. As with every other holy seed/bead, the Rudraksha, in its natural state, is ‘holy’ for only 2 very practical reasons: 1) these beads naturally express more of their inherent Shakti—more than most every other natural object-&-form does; and 2) authentic spiritual masters, since ancient times, having recognized their distinct natural properties, favored such beads as powerful tools, which could be used to amplify the power of the masters’ own spiritual growth and that of their students. It’s not a matter of ‘place’ or ‘natural state’. It’s a matter of power and how it may best be accessed.

Sacred Symbols Jewelry

  • Sri Yantra Crystal Manifestation Mala

    • Gold
    • Silver
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  • Yoga Ring

    • Gold
    • Silver
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  • Sacred Symbols Power Ring Dharmayuga

    • Gold
    • Silver
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  • Shiva’s Third Eye Yantra Power Bracelet

    • Gold
    • Silver
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  • Shiva’s Third Eye Yantra Meditation Mala

    • Gold
    • Silver
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